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Friday, March 4, 2011

what' i'm want to share ha???just read okay...again...a little bit about what i like...and also i cannot be forgotten

what i'm very like ha?????????  I'm very like to eat...hangout with my friend...and especially of course with my beloved family...hehe..my favourite food is bi hun that was make by my beloved mother.,,,,,hehe.....my favorite drink is all of the juice..and also all the food as long as it HALAL.....what my sweet memories ha?????? .my  sweet memories which i cannot forgot is when my freind and i stay together..we are cook and ate together..the meal which i very like that was being make by her is sup ayam...and nasi ayam..ummmmmm very delicious you know........huhu..but now..i didn't know when i can meet her like before...we always hangout together....sometimes...we ride motorcycle together around the village,,,i'm very2 miss that...huhuhu...
and....i am very like a pet...the pet that i was take care is cat...my cats name is eyowww...tina...and their son names is ciko..ciki..and cici...its very cute you know..i never forgot them,,,which always make me smile...before....heheh,....finally i think...thats all for today..which i can share to all of you,,i hope you all..happy to read,,and see my blog..hehehe..

A little story about my life

First  of  all  I set  foot  in  the affair, when I was  6  years  old. At  that  time, felt  like  a  very  fun  ride flight. Feelings  can  not  be  described  in  words. While  I felt  like  impromptu,  I  saw  an  animal resembling  a  cloud  forms. Feeling  kind  of  cute. huhu .. The  Beauty  of  God's  creation. The  journey took  approximately  6  hours  of  Pahang  to  Sabah. As  I  fell  asleep  to  get  to  the  destination. I  finally  arrived  in  Sabah. We  live  in  Hurricane  Overlay. After that,   I  was  admitted  to  kindergarten, which  is  located  next  door  to  me. huhuhu,,, very  close  you  know… it. And  then, I  pound  into primary  school. We  have  to  sit  a  test  to  determine  the  class. And  I  felt  luky  because  get  in  to  first   class ... hehehe,,  If  I'm  not  wrong  ... If  wrong, sorry  ya , , hahahaha. I  continued  my  high schhol  at  Sekolah   Menengah  Kebangsaan  DK,  I  am  just  study  at  there  only  until  form  3. Then, form  4  until   form 5  in  secondary school  which  at  Sekolah  Menengah  Teknik  Ld   .After   SPM, I  want  get  in  into  university   very  fast..so  I  decide  to  continue  study  at  form  6. huhu .. And now, at this   moment   I'm  standing  here  in Universitiy  Teknologi  Mara  Melaka  City  Campus. And  I  feel   so bless  and   thankfully  to  God  and  to  all  people  that  always  there  for  me  until  now. mmmmuuuuuaaaaahhhhh .. Luv u all ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011


My  name  is  Nurul'ain Baharudin . I am  21  year  old  ..  I  am  a  pure  child  born  in  Pahang  Darul Makmur.I  was  born at  12/09/1990. My father  name  is  Baharuddin  bin  abd  manan .. and worked  as  an assistant  manager at  a  factory  which  the factory  is  Tenggaroh 4,  at  the Kota Tinggi  Johor. Whenever  my  mother  named  is  Zarina binti Daman@ Rahman  is  a  homemaker . I  am   the  second  child  in  my  siblingg. I  have  one   brothers   and  two  younger brothers  .My  an older   brother  name  is  Muhd  Izzat….He is  a university   student   majoring   in   Mechatronics   in  Malaysi a  Pahang  University. Whenever , my   two   younger  brothers   name  is  Mohd  Izuwan  and  Mohd  Izrin   which   have  learning  at  level  4  and  5.I  am  also a student at  a  local University  of  Advancing  Technology  University  Campus .. the city of  Malacca, and   was a student  of  the  Faculty of  Business  Studies (Insurance)


                      Information Technology – A Definition:

We use the term information technology or IT to refer to an entire industry. In actuality, information technology is the use of computers and software to manage information. In some companies, this is referred to as Management Information Services (or MIS) or simply as Information Services (or IS). The information technology department of a large company would be responsible for storing information, protecting information, processing the information, transmitting the information as necessary, and later retrieving information as necessary.
                         History of Information Technology:  
In relative terms, it wasn't long ago that the Information Technology department might have consisted of a single Computer Operator, who might be storing data on magnetic tape, and then putting it in a box down in the basement somewhere. The history of information technology is fascinating! Check out these history of information technology resources for information on everything from the history of IT to electronics inventions and even the top 10 IT bugs.
                      Popular Information Technology Skills:

Some of the most popular information technology skills at the moment are:
For more information about technical skills that are popular in the job market, check out the IT Career Skills List..
                           Information Technology Certifications:

Having a solid education and specific specialty certifications is the best way to progress in an information technology career. Here are some of the more popular information technology certifications:

                                             Jobs in IT:

There can be a lot of overlap between many of the job descriptions within information technology departments. In order to clarify the descriptions, skills and career paths of each, I have put together a Jobs in IT listing. The jobs in IT listing includes information on education and training required for each position. It also includes lists of companies that typically have IT jobs open, as well as links to IT-specific resumes, cover letters and IT interview questions.
                         Information Technology - Trends:

Information Technology Departments will be increasingly concerned with data storage and management, and will find that information security will continue to be at the top of the priority list. Cloud computing remains a growing area to watch. The job outlook for those within Information Technology is strong, with data security and server gurus amongst the highest paid techies. Check out the Information Security Certifications and Highest Paying Certifications for more information. In order to stay current in the Information Technology Industry, be sure you subscribe to top technology industry publications.


                             Is information technology a good field to get into?
                             Which skills do I need to get a computer job?
                             Am I taking the right IT courses for future jobs?
                             I want to refresh my IT skills. Which are in demand?
                        It's no secret that computer skills are in high demand.

The Internet, corporate intranets, genetic research and the year 2000 bug have helped the demand for IT skills to grow dramatically in the past few years. The time for so-called "year 2000 jobs" has obviously drawn to a close, but the first three and then some continue to keep the demand high.
                             Computer technology will continue to advance

According to a
paper issued by the Office of the Vice President in early 1999, President Clinton and Vice President Gore proposed a $366-million (28%), FY2000 budget increase for government, information technology research. The initiative, called Information Technology for the Twenty-First Century or IT2 for short, is intended to strengthen America's leadership in IT, advance computing and communications to enhance our lives, and help train IT workers. "Roughly 60 percent of the funding will go to support university-based research, which will also help meet the growing demand for workers with advanced IT skills."
                                     Information technology pays well.

The Vice President's paper also reports that the industry now accounts for one-third of US economic growth, while employing 7.4 million at
wages that are more than 60% higher than average for the private secto

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Everyone's college and grad school experience is a little different, but the one thing all have in common is reading. You already know that college entails a lot of reading. Expect your reading load to triple, at least, in graduate school. With such a huge set of reading assignments, you might be tempted to fall behind and not read before class. Here are six reasons why you should avoid temptation and , instead, read ahead of time, before class.
                                         Make the most of class time.
When you read ahead of time, you're more likely to understand the organization of the lecture. You'll be better able to figure out what's important and what isn't (and thereby take effective notes).
                       Understand the topic and what you don't understand.
If you've read beforehand you can focus your attention on filling gaps in your understanding by paying more attention during some parts of the lecture and by asking questions.
Most classes require at least some participation -- answering questions and participating in class discussions. It's easy to participate when you know the topic. Reading beforehand helps you to know the topic and have the time to consider your perspective and opinions.
                                                        Show off. 
Reading before class lets you show that you've read, that you care, and that you are intelligent. You'll be able to ask intelligent questions and participate in a way that demonstrates preparation, interest, and mastery of the material.
                                             Participate in group work. 
Many classes require group work, often in class. If you've read, you're ready and likely will not mooch on your classmates, or benefit from their hard work. In turn, if you've read you can tell when the group is taking a wrong turn.
                                                      Show respect.
Reading ahead of time shows respect for the instructor and interest in the class. While instructors' feelings shouldn't be the primary motivator of your behavior, relationships with faculty are important and this is one easy way to get your relationship with your professor off to a good start.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


 "Breakfast" means just that: break the overnight fast. Eating breakfast allows you to restock the energy stores that have been depleted overnight and begin the day with a tank full of the right fuel. Sending yourself to work or your child to school without breakfast is like trying to use a cordless power tool without ever recharging the battery. If you don't refuel your  body in the morning after an overnight fast, you has to draw fuel from your own energy stores until lunchtime. 

The stress hormones necessary to mobilize these energy reserves may leave your feeling irritable, tired, and unable to learn or behave well. If you want  you can  rise and shine rather than limp along sluggishly at school all morning, make sure your  day gets off to a nutritious start.
Throughout the brain, biochemical messengers called neurotransmitters help the brain make the right connections. Food influences how these neurotransmitters operate. The more balanced the breakfast, the more balanced the brain function. There are two types of proteins that affect neurotransmitters: 1) neurostimulants, such as proteins containing tyrosine, affecting the alertness transmitters dopamine and norepinephrine, and 2) calming proteins that contain tryptophan, which relaxes the brain.

 A breakfast with the right balance of both stimulating and calming foods starts you off with a brain that is primed to learn and emotions prepared to behave. Eating complex carbohydrates along with proteins helps to usher the amino acids from these proteins into the brain, so that the neurotransmitters can work better.
Complex carbohydrates and proteins act like biochemical partners for enhancing learning and behavior. This biochemical principle is called "synergy," meaning that the combination of two nutrients works better than each one singly, sort of like 1 + 1 = 3.

Breakfast research.
 If your hectic household has a morning rush hour like the one in our home, you may feel that you don't have time for a healthy breakfast. But consider what studies have shown:

Breakfast eaters are likely to achieve higher grades, pay closer attention, participate more in class discussions, and manage more complex academic problems than breakfast skippers.

  • Breakfast skippers are more likely to be inattentive, sluggish, and make lower grades.
  • Breakfast skippers are more likely to show erratic eating patterns throughout the day, eat less nutritious foods, and give into junk-food cravings. They may crave a mid- morning sugar fix because they can't make it all the way to lunchtime on an empty fuel tank.
  • Sometimes we are more vulnerable to the effects of missing breakfast than others. The effects on behavior and learning as a result of missing breakfast or eating a breakfast that is not very nutritious vary from child to child.
  • Whether or not we eat breakfast affects our learning, but so does what we eat. People who eat a breakfast containing both complex carbohydrates and proteins in equivalent amounts of calories tend to show better learning and performance than people who eat primarily a high protein or a high carbohydrate breakfast. Breakfasts high in carbohydrates with little protein seem to sedate you rather than stimulate their brain to learn.
  • People who eating high calcium foods for breakfast (e.g., dairy products) showed enhanced behavior and learning.
  • Morning stress increases the levels of stress hormones in the bloodstream. This can affect behavior and learning in two ways. First, stress hormones ourselve can bother the brain. Secondly, stress hormones such as cortisol increase carbohydrate craving throughout the day. The food choices that result may affect behavior and learning in ourselve
  •  who are sensitive to the ups and downs of blood sugar levels. Try to make sure you off to school with a calm attitude, as well as a good breakfast.
Breakfast sets the pattern for nutritious eating throughout the rest of the day. When you miss breakfast to save time or to cut calories, you will set yourselve up for erratic binging and possibly overeating the rest of the day