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Friday, March 4, 2011

what' i'm want to share ha???just read okay...again...a little bit about what i like...and also i cannot be forgotten

what i'm very like ha?????????  I'm very like to eat...hangout with my friend...and especially of course with my beloved family...hehe..my favourite food is bi hun that was make by my beloved mother.,,,,,hehe.....my favorite drink is all of the juice..and also all the food as long as it HALAL.....what my sweet memories ha?????? .my  sweet memories which i cannot forgot is when my freind and i stay together..we are cook and ate together..the meal which i very like that was being make by her is sup ayam...and nasi ayam..ummmmmm very delicious you know........huhu..but now..i didn't know when i can meet her like before...we always hangout together....sometimes...we ride motorcycle together around the village,,,i'm very2 miss that...huhuhu...
and....i am very like a pet...the pet that i was take care is cat...my cats name is eyowww...tina...and their son names is ciko..ciki..and cici...its very cute you know..i never forgot them,,,which always make me smile...before....heheh,....finally i think...thats all for today..which i can share to all of you,,i hope you all..happy to read,,and see my blog..hehehe..

A little story about my life

First  of  all  I set  foot  in  the affair, when I was  6  years  old. At  that  time, felt  like  a  very  fun  ride flight. Feelings  can  not  be  described  in  words. While  I felt  like  impromptu,  I  saw  an  animal resembling  a  cloud  forms. Feeling  kind  of  cute. huhu .. The  Beauty  of  God's  creation. The  journey took  approximately  6  hours  of  Pahang  to  Sabah. As  I  fell  asleep  to  get  to  the  destination. I  finally  arrived  in  Sabah. We  live  in  Hurricane  Overlay. After that,   I  was  admitted  to  kindergarten, which  is  located  next  door  to  me. huhuhu,,, very  close  you  know… it. And  then, I  pound  into primary  school. We  have  to  sit  a  test  to  determine  the  class. And  I  felt  luky  because  get  in  to  first   class ... hehehe,,  If  I'm  not  wrong  ... If  wrong, sorry  ya , , hahahaha. I  continued  my  high schhol  at  Sekolah   Menengah  Kebangsaan  DK,  I  am  just  study  at  there  only  until  form  3. Then, form  4  until   form 5  in  secondary school  which  at  Sekolah  Menengah  Teknik  Ld   .After   SPM, I  want  get  in  into  university   very  fast..so  I  decide  to  continue  study  at  form  6. huhu .. And now, at this   moment   I'm  standing  here  in Universitiy  Teknologi  Mara  Melaka  City  Campus. And  I  feel   so bless  and   thankfully  to  God  and  to  all  people  that  always  there  for  me  until  now. mmmmuuuuuaaaaahhhhh .. Luv u all ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!